I have two words for you...Taco Tuesday. THIS is why I love Tuesdays so much! You see, back in the days (freshman year of college), Taco Bell suddenly became a short walking distance from my dorm. The close proximity was a bad choice on my part, I love Taco Bell. I have very little willpower. Luckily my waistline didn't suffer too much (due to only ordering a single item off the menu per visit), but my wallet sure did! And, lets face it. Eating that much Taco Bell is simply revolting.
At the beginning of last year, I met this super cute boy (who will be my husband in a month :D) and he and I came up with the most brilliant plan...Taco Tuesdays. I'm not sure when exactly it started, all I know is that it has evolved into the greatest day of the entire week. I'm able to get my Taco Bell fix (and have a mentor to keep me in check) and he and I sit in Taco Bell for hours (literally...sometimes up to six hours) discussion and describing the deepest corners of our souls. Maybe that's an exaggeration...but I think you get the picture. We make sure that all our homework is done for the day so we can devote as much time as possible to our bonding experience within the walls of this glorified fast food restaurant. It's so good to know that I have that time to spend with him every week, no matter what. Even if its only for the 15 minutes to scarf down the cheesy, Americanized, Mexican goodness. Some of my fondest memories from our courting take place there. :)
Really...it's not the Taco Bell that makes Taco Tuesdays so wonderful, it's that time with him. The tacos are just an added bonus. :D Whoda thunk that my motives would flip flop? What a funny world we live in. :)